Speaking Invitations

In the last 3 days I have had to decline 3 Speaking Invitations. And very sadly so.

Here are my reasons.

1. Unless you have a very great and consistent relationship with me, you cannot have me speak at your event for free or at next to nothing. Stop believing or persuading me to do otherwise. The answer will remain no.

I do a lot of free online training, get your people to connect if you want to hear me for free.

2. If you want me to look at your direction, invest in my materials and programs. Don’t show up suddenly and expect me to Speak for free or next to nothing. And yes, even if it is a Youth Meeting.

3. You don’t have to invite me. There are 100s of other speakers, some even better, who can do a fantastic job for you. If you have to have me at your event, BE READY FOR ME.

4. Because you knew me from way back or from school days doesn’t mean we have a relationship. Before you place a demand on anything I do, especially SPEAKING which I do for a living, reconnect and nurture the relationship. We have grown, haven’t we?

5. If I perceive that you don’t place value on my skill or expertise, and think you are doing me a favour by giving me your platform, I will decline it. I know people who can give me platforms and I will know they are ALSO doing me a favour. And even at that, these people still have some respect on the grace of God upon my life.

NOTE: There are some people that will reach out to me and I will RESPOND without questions. Before you request, think HAVE YOU GOTTEN TO THAT PLACE with me where you can ask me and I RESPOND WITHOUT QUESTION?

Read this message with wisdom, please.
These ideas aren’t just for me but for anyone who you are trying to get to grace your ocassion.

Cash Flow or Luxury

The other day this fellow walked into my office to ask me to loan him N200k.

We got discussing and we agreed on terms and money was to be processed in a few days… But as he was leaving, he asked me to quickly give him N2k to fuel his car.

And there was this smirk in his face.

I frowned.

He was driving a 2012 near New Toyota Corolla. And I know he just got it recently.

Sad how this generation thinks and how they approach finance.

Just to impress or feel among, you take out N3 Million to buy a car, instead of investing it in business.

It’s really pathetic.

At the end of the day, it’s about CASH FLOW, not the the toys you buy or the house you build.

Don’t buy a luxury that your cash flow cannot afford.

I gave him the N2k but didn’t sign for him to get the N200k

The Business Of Public Speaking 2.0

Here’s how you can move from Free To Fee as a Public Speaker.

Go here 👉 https://chat.whatsapp.com/JOWMSnvOmeCJCO9e3OOPFf to get Zoom link and details for a FREE TRIAL CLASS.

You See, Passion is not really enough.

Neither is oratory or eloquence.

Speaking is indeed an ART but it is also an ENTERPRISE.

If you learn what to do, you can move from PUBLIC SPEAKING to PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING.

You can earn from speaking.

Hi, My name is George Essien. Nigeria’s Leading Peak Performance Consultant.

I began speaking and training professionally some 15 years ago and I can say for certain that I best qualify to teach you everything you need to know about PUBLIC SPEAKING, Its ART and its ENTERPRISE.

I live on ‘The Fruit Of My Lips’ and even have members of staff who work with me.

My Training organization is 13 years old.

So what if I show you how you too can EARN FROM SPEAKING?

Would you be interested in earning from Speaking, even on a part time basis?

What if I show you the mechanics and the dynamics of PROFITING FROM SPEAKING, would you be interested in learning?

And what if I show you in a FREE TRIAL ZOOM class the possibilities in Public Speaking (Financial & Influence possibilities)

Would you be interested?

If this speaks to you, click on the Whatsapp Link https://chat.whatsapp.com/JOWMSnvOmeCJCO9e3OOPFf to get Zoom Meeting ID and Password.

Free Trial Class will hold on 8th to 10th March, 2021. 8PM.